N.F.M. ~ Nikki Fu Masta

I created this blog to jot down my thoughts, and ramblings, of life.

I bare it all as I try to go big, and reach my goals.

Come on this journey with me!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goal #1 - Weight

First off, I want to apologize for falling off the blogging wagon.  I need to set it up better so it doesn't happen again/often :-)

Okay, now onto why I'm writing this post.

So I had written my goals down just three weeks ago ... right after I got back from a vacation and was re-energized.  The first one was my weight issue.  Then, something happened this last Tuesday at boot camp that kinda altered my thinking (slightly).

We had an assessment day, and one of the tests was to see how quick we could run 1 mile.  I knew it wasn't going to be pretty.  But when I finished, at 15 minutes, and was just about to hyperventilate, it hit me.  I wasn't just over weight, I was straight up OUT OF SHAPE.

I'll be honest, I cried like a baby on the way home (no tears at boot camp though, it's BOOT CAMP.  Gotta keep your game face on!!) but when the tears dried up, and I had "cried it out" ... I made myself a promise.  A side goal to all of this, if you will.  Never again would I be that girl.  The girl who felt like she was going to die after just running one flipping mile.  So though my focus will be on the scale as well, if I improve my fitness levels and the scale doesn't budget - I'll find it a "win" deep down.

So.  I don't know if I'm ready to share with you guys my "starting" weight.  BUT I'm okay with sharing with you my goals I want to hit :-)

> By October 31st, I'd like to be down 10 lbs
> By November 30th, I'd like to be down 8 lbs
> By December 31st, I'd like to be down 5 lbs (I'm being realistic here, being the holidays and all!)
> By my daughter's birthday, February 19th, I'd like to be down 15 lbs
> By Memorial Day, I'd like to be down another 20 lbs
> By the end of Summer 2012, I'd like to be down 20 lbs
> And finally, by October 31st 2012, I'd like to hit my goal weight, which is 127 lbs (odd # I know)

So those are my goals.  I would elaborate more, but it's time to go to Zumba.  Zumba is my most favoritest thing in the WORLD.  It'll always be my first <3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today's Dinner - A jab at a "mockloaf"

Mockloaf.  Sounds odd, right?

Well, I call it mockloaf because I don't have eggs in the house right now (eggs and I typically don't really get along, if you catch my drift).  But I had some ground turkey I was hoping to use, and not in a "pasta sauce" (our "go to" in the house).

To keep within my diet, I went to recipe builder and started typing in ingredients I thought would work.

> Ground Turkey
> Bread Crumbs
> Can of Roasted Garlic Diced Tomatoes
> Ketchup
> Wortschire (sp??) Sauce
> Roasted Garlic & Pepper Seasoning
> Diced Onion
> And .... Light Mayonnaise.

Sounds weird - but I was hoping it would play the role of the eggs a little.  It actually somewhat worked!  I don't know if the seasonings together were a complete success, but it did taste pretty good.  And was packed full of protein (perfect after my workout tonight!)

So I'm not going to post the recipe yet, because I want to take another stab at this with some minor changes ... just to get the "taste right".  THEN I'll share it with the world ;-D

Goals - Pt. 1

I recently sat down so I could write out my goals, and essentially make plans in how I was going to accomplish them (and in how long).

This last June, my company took our sales and overhead team to a motivational conference (there were pitches for stock investments and such).  But there were some really good speakers.  Including one, that I wish I could recall his name, discussed how he reached the success he did.  And gave us pointers for us to do so.

I have 5 major goals I'm trying to accomplish:

1 - Weight
I know, this is the "oh so typical" one.  But honestly, I am at a point with myself that I want to change.  I had my baby and never really got back to "pre-baby" weight.  I want to set a good example for my daughter, and our future children, by eating right and being active.  So this is my first step!

2 - Education
10 years ago when I graduated high school, I enrolled and attended one year at Shoreline Community College.  That was 2001 to 2002.  I got about a years worth of credits in English and Drama classes (and some other miscellaneous stuff).  10 years ago I was no where near ready, nor motivated, enough for college.  I wanted to be - but because I wasn't, I left.  Now flash forward to 2011.  With a fire in my belly and my sights set high, I am going back to school ... one baby step at a time to complete my 2 year degree and then my 4 year.  I want to move forward in my career and in my life, and at this stage I really won't be able to unless I get my degree!

3 - House
We bought our first home in June 2009.  The market sucks, but as a first time home buyer with a VA loan - the market was just right for us.  Now, I know the market isn't going to turn around anytime soon.  But it is my husband and I's goal to be in a bigger home within 10 years.  The house we bought is what would be most likely classified as a "starter home".  It is a beautiful house, it just needs a little paint and a little work!

4 - Finances
I am not going to lie ... I am, the budget queen.  It's a sick and twisted thing, I know, but I get a THRILL out of budgeting.  I have had friends come over so I can sit down, review finances and prepare a budget plan.  This last summer, my husband and I have gone through some changes with our income, and now we need to tweak our budget.  PLUS I want to start saving for other minor goals of mine (Vacations, Home Improvements, Etc)

5 - The "Nikki Empire"
I have a dream.  A dream I'll really get into in a later post, but essentially I want to build an empire.  You can say "be my own boss", but I don't know if that is quite what I want/mean.  I have so much I want to dab into and shape to be my own ... but it's the last of the goals on this master list, because to achieve the Nikki Empire, I need to accomplish other master goals first.

These are my master goals.  And in the next few posts, I'll really indulge in what each plan entails.  I have a fire in my belly.  It's hot and roaring ... I can't wait to start putting my new found motivation to good use!

Thanks for listening,

Be a Thermostat - Not a Thermometer

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Few Facts!

I did an introduction, but I wanted to also give you a quick fact sheet before I go further (it’ll also warn you of a few things *lol*)

A Few Facts About Nikki Fu!

  1. Spelling is not my forte.  My grammar is a little better.  But I heavily rely on spell check and even then sometimes some of my spelling errors are missed!
  2. We’re human – we’re allowed to have negative moments and times.  But overall, I’m a positive person.  I don’t tolerate too well with “Negative Nancy’s”.
  3. I try not to use it all the time, but I tend to use the “text speak” in certain situations.  I.e., I am a fan of using “lol”.  But I’m not going to talk in sentences like “IDK my BFF and I R G8!”  That annoys me to no end!!!
  4. I also am not a fan of people using the wrong words.  I.e., Are/Our – were/we’re.  BUT I’m not the grammar police and not going to track down and make public of those who do!
  5. I hate peas.  And olives.  *gag*

I hope this helps moving forward in case I have a spelling error, or if I post a rant you’ll know where it’s coming from ;-)


Be a Thermostat – Not a Thermometer!

The First Post!

Oh the first post.
I view this as “Chapter 1” in a novel that I’m writing for you everyday.

In most novels – Chapter 1 is the introduction of the story, its main character, and sets the tone.

So let’s begin with an introduction of your main character – me!  My name is Nichole, but my friends and family call me Nikki.  I’m 28 years old living in a city north of Seattle.  I’ve lived in Washington State my whole life (which is funny because my husband was in the Navy for 7 years … and never once got stationed outside of Washington).  I love Washington, most of the time.  I’m not a huge fan of rain (I know, I live in Washington – I should be used to it!) but I love the scenery.  And there aren’t too many places that you can say you went to the ocean, and a major mountain pass in one day!

I currently work in Sales & Marketing at an award winning Crane Company.  My job is very rewarding, and I get the pleasure to work with some of the best people.  I could very well see myself with this company until retirement – but I couldn’t tell you now if that will be in the cards or not for me!

I’ve been married now to my wonderful husband for 7 years.  We met through mutual friends and, in typical military fashion ;-) got married after 6 months of dating.  I’ll probably indulge more in that story in a later post.  My husband, Josh, was in the Navy for 7 years.  He would have been a “lifer” if it wasn’t for the back surgery (another story for another post).  He was honorable discharged and was on the TDRL (temporary disability retirement list) until just recently.  I could post a hundred rants regarding that situation, but I will refrain!  Currently he works full time for an auto salvage yard and goes to school part time.

Speaking of school, I recently just returned back to school as well!  I am going for my Bachelors in Business.  I have a while to go – but I believe you’ll never get over the mountain that sits in front of you unless you start climbing!  Luckily I do have a years worth of credits under my belt from when I first went to school so the road ahead doesn’t look at daunting as it could have been.  I figured at this rate it’ll take me about 3-4 years to obtain my 4 year degree.

But my number one priority over everything else is my daughter, Rachel.  We were blessed with Rachel earlier this year in February.  She is our first, and like all first parents – we have laughed, cried, smiled and cheered on our little one.  She has brought a joy in my life that I really never thought was possible.  There is truly nothing like being a mother.  For all the sleepless nights I’ve endured so far, I would trade NOTHING for what God has given us.

We’re also proud parents to our furbaby, Queen Elizabeth (or in short, Lizzy).  Lizzy is our adorable and snorty Pug!  She has been apart of our family since December 2006.  She’s got a fun and silly personality, and we are so happy she’s with us!  Rachel especially, as she LOVES Lizzy!  Lizzy is currently Rachel’s motivation to start crawling (Lizzy will come up to the baby, baby reaches out to pet/grab her.  Lizzy moves a few inches away … just out of baby’s reach.  Baby starts to do the crawl wiggle … but so far no major crawling has begun).  I know my life is OVER once she crawls (lol) and I’m sure the dog won’t be too happy when she does too!

Now that I’ve hopefully was successful in painting myself and my life to you – now it’s time to set the tone of this “novel” I’ll be writing for you J

The idea behind this blog is a few things –

One, to reach out to others.  I know that there are some days that I think to myself “Am I the only one who thinks like this/is going through this/has gone through this?”.  If I can touch one life and make someone go “YES, that is exactly what/how I feel” then my blog is a success!

Two, to share my knowledge with others.  Now, I’m not going to say that I’m a know it all.  And God knows I am struggling to learn things still.  But I know that I have bits and pieces of advice, sayings, knowledge that when shared might make someone go “ah HA!”

Three, to gain knowledge from others!  It goes hand in hand with the point above, but through my journeys in life I’m going to need help and/or advice.  So I’m hoping that by being on an open forum that I’ll have people responding/reading my blogs who can lend a hand.

Four, to live!  I know, that’s cheesy.  “I blog, therefore I live!”  But seriously – I have so many ideas, goals, things I want to say and share!  And learn!  What better place to do all of that than right here on the interwebs ;-)

If I accomplish one thing with my blog, is that I lay it out all on the line … and I succeed.  I will bare my soul at times to you, the reader.  I have some currently life goals that are bigger than anything I’ve ever done before.

I hope you read along in my journey(s) and rambling(s).  I look forward to serving you, my audience, with the crazy antics that is my life J

Take care,

Be a Thermostat – Not a Thermometer